Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Paint Tabletop Wargaming Minis


This listing is intended for armies and warbands that will all be painted similarly.

All pricing options are per model and include priming and colors of your choice. Larger models cost more. Bulk pricing may be available for some orders. I can build the minis based on the kit instructions for a small fee. Please contact me with any questions you have.

Basic will get you a simple tabletop standard paintjob with simple shading and highlights. Bases can have begiven simple texturing.

Standard will get you a mini with more detail than the above. This can include things like texturing on leather, battle damage, smoother blends and highlights. Extra bits like rubble, bricks, skulls, or flocking can be added to the bases.

Premium will get you a mini where I paint it to the best of my ability. Custom bases can be made.


: : : : :

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