Saturday, May 7, 2022

Provide 1 Month Of Art And Color Therapy Non Clinical


Fun, engaging, research based Positive Psychology Art activities. No art skills required & no critiquing. These processes are designed to nurture your inner child and is perfect for all ages 3 & up. Especially benefits anyone needing ways to process emotion, pain, help heal trauma, shadow work, reduce stress, increases focus, clarity & positive mindset. Art Therapy allows creativity and inspiration to flow, has a positive impact on well-being & EQ. Our minds comprehend abstract art & symbols at a much deeper level than language. Art is used as a form of communication, expression & self exploration. I'm also a color therapist and there is an emphasis on color in each process. Color is scientifically known to speed up the healing process, we absorb it through our skin, eyes, & aura. Being exposed to color in our environment, wearing and visually seeing color is therapeutic on so many levels. This Art Therapy Journey is non-clinical, non-diagnostic & is not psycho therapy.



I just started week 1 and I'm impressed! The exercises are artfully crafted and explained. I enjoyed the personal notes and suggestions throughout the experience. Can't wait until next week's session! :)

: : : :

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