Friday, August 11, 2023

Give You My Finding Gold Manifesto, A Truly Amazing Guide To Improving Your Kingdom Mindsets And Living Life To The Fullest


Hi there, I am a student in a non-denominational ministry school in California. I have been trying to find ways to earn money to start my new ministry called iCan, so I have taken all of the Gold from my 1st year of learning and condensed it into one amazing package for all to see! I've taken biblical based foundations and theories, mixed them with practical loving principles (for self and others) and put them into a context that is a) easy to read b) relative to truly bettering one's life c) extremely motivational and d) actually really interesting! Finding Gold Manifesto contains: 1) Expectations and Faith 2) Self-Positioning 3) Avoiding Hard Times & Proper Decision Making 4) Giving & Receiving: People Have it All Wrong 5) How to Receive More 6) Increasing Self-Worth & Crushing Old Internal Beliefs 7) Your Business: Managing Profit for Kingdom 8) How to Choose The Best Opportunities: 9) Great Leaders


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