Saturday, February 19, 2022

Paint Your Warhammer Characters


This gig is all about your single figures, wether you want to use them in a game and look super cool, or you want to put them in a display case. I will paint them to the best of my ability. The more you go up with the tier the more hours I can put in the work!

How it works

-We talk and share ideas finding the right price TOGETHER taylor made for your project (tier prices are baselines!!)

-I charge between 15/20 euros per hour of work - the price is calculated based on the hours I'm gonna spend; we decide together how much i should work on it!!

-Once we are all set you will send the model (better if cleaned and assembled/subassembled)

-Once I got I will start painting and in 7to 10 days I will be done!

-I usually ship with ups (which is around 40-50 euros for out of eu)

I studied these advanced techniques with the best of the niche: Banshee, Pisarski, Luciano Rossetto (Multi GD winner), Arnau Lazaro (GD winner), actually they all won Golden Demon ahah. 

So.. I'm learing from the best to give you the BEST i can give you!

Hope to see you there



: : : : :

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